Simply put, your credit score when buying a house is the first thing you need to look at. The very moment you even think you’re going to buy a house in the near future, begin preparing. Credit score is an essential component of having your loan approved because it determines the loan programs for which you are potentially qualified.
This article is to get you started on the path to having your credit in the best condition possible before you apply for a mortgage loan. Here are the 7 steps to approval when buying a house.
1. Pull your own credit reports first.
Whether good or bad, pulling your credit score prior to applying for a mortgage is an absolute must. Don’t wait to be surprised when it’s pulled for you. There may be dark spots on your credit report, or good things that haven’t shown up yet, but you will only be able to confidently explain these things to your mortgage lender if you pull your credit report ahead of time. It’s always better to be prepared.
Not every creditor reports to the credit bureau monthly. Providing up to date information can increase your qualifying ability and decrease your rate.
2. Keep paying your bills on time (or start paying off late bills immediately).
We’re emphasizing how critical paying your bills are to your credit score, the cornerstone of any loan application, not insulting your common sense. If you have unpaid or overdue bills and balances, start paying something to your creditors immediately. Late payments can dramatically alter the rate, the terms, and even whether your mortgage loan is approved.
Always try to avoid your accounts from going into collections. It’s easier to prevent collections than it is to correct the situation after.
3. If in collections, CONTACT THEM.
Making payments as mentioned above will prevent falling into collections. However, if you have accounts in collections simply calling them can often remedy that circumstance. They will usually accept less than the total amount owed to clear you of the debt, offer you a payment plan, or, if you had a unique situation during the tax year that bill was acquired and your taxes show your income was under a certain amount, you may be able to be cleared of that debt. Basically, no good can come from ignoring your collections notices, but where there is communication, there is possibility.
Or, if you’re disputing a debt, pay it until your dispute is resolved.
4. Don’t hide your past financial difficulties.
Never work with a mortgage broker that isn’t on your side. One of the important services that a good mortgage broker offers is helping you overcome past financial difficulties that may hinder your ability to have your loan approved. Supplying more information not only helps them provide the best possible terms and rate, but also minimizes the impact these issues can present.
5. Do not open new accounts in the months preceding your home purchase.
Even when considering buying a home, consider opening new accounts off limits. Even applying requires the pulling of credit reports, and too many of these inquiries can lower your credit score.
6. limit your liabilities.
Loans are approved largely on the percentage of your income used to pay off debt and other financial liabilities. You can get approved for a larger mortgage and therefore a more expensive home if you have lower credit card, automobile, student loan and other debt payments. Signing and/or co-signing for someone else’s purchase or loan can also increase you liabilities.
7. Do not close unused accounts until the purchase has finalized.
The portion of your available credit currently being used helps calculate your credit score. The lower the ratio the better. Closing accounts will increase the overall percentage. However, as discussed, opening new accounts to reduce your ratio is unlikely to help you.
Applying this process to prepare your credit score for buying a house will absolutely get you on the road to where you need and want to be when you walk into your mortgage lender’s office for the first time. How long it takes will depend on your effort and how much you’re able to put into it. But, it’s worth it in the end. Remember, in many circumstances, it’s better to buy than to rent from a financial point of view. Putting the effort in upfront to repair and prepare your credit score will save you grief and dollars when you’re in your new home and when you begin making your mortgage payments. For more professional advice on buying and the home buying process, see our Buyer’s Resource.
To order a copy of your credit report, contact:
Equifax: (800) 685-1111
Trans Union: (800) 888-4213
Experian: (888) 397-3742
To search homes for sale in Arizona right now, and to view your estimated monthly mortgage payments, click here.
21902 East Creosote Court Queen Creek, AZ 85142 | $275,000.00 | 480-788-9660
21902 East Creosote Court
Queen Creek, Arizona 85142
- 4Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 2430Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential$399,000
1937 W. Olive Way Chandler, AZ 85248 – $399,000 – 480-788-9660
1937 West Olive Way
Chandler, Arizona 85248
- 3Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,564Sq ft
40508 North Territory Trail Phoenix, AZ – 85086 | Price: $225,000.00 | MLS # 5308596 | Status: PENDING
Address Unavailable
Cityname, AZ
View ListingActiveResidential$209,000
48 N Cholla St Gilbert, AZ 85233 – $209,000.00 – 480-788-9660
48 N. Cholla St
Gilbert, Arizona 85233
- 3Beds
- 2Baths
- 1114Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential$460,000
18008 N. 53rd Pl. Scottsdale, AZ 85254 – $460,000 – 480-788-9660
18008 N. 53rd Place
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
- 4Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 2621Sq ft
View ListingFor SaleResidential$180,000
4 Bed 3 Bath House for Sale 85040 | $180,000 MLS# 5323102 | 480-788-9660
1119 E. Sunland Ave.
Phoenix, Arizona 85040
- 4Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,021Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential$250,000
First Time on Market! 149 East San Remo Ave. Gilbert, AZ 85234 | $250,000 | 480-788-9660
149 East San Remo Ave.
Gilbert, Arizona 85234
- 4Beds
- 2Baths
- 1898Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential$145,000
10040 West Andover Avenue Sun City, AZ 85351 $145,000 (480) 788-9660
10040 West Andover Avenue
Sun City , Arizona 85351
- 2Beds
- 1.75Baths
- 1509Sq ft
View ListingPendingResidential$215,000
2935 South Canfield Mesa, AZ 85212 | $215,000.00 | 480-788-9660
2935 South Canfield
Mesa, Arizona 85212
- 3Beds
- 2Baths
- 1627Sq ft
View ListingSoldPatio Home$600,000.00
Just Sold! 2401 East Marshall Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85016 – $600,000.00 | 480-788-9660
2401 East Marshall Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
- 4Beds
- 3Baths
- 2816Sq ft
View ListingPendingResidential$100,000
301 South 58th Place Mesa, AZ 85206 – $100,000 – 480-788-9660
301 South 58th Place
Mesa, Arizona 85206
- 3Beds
- 2Baths
- 1452Sq ft
View ListingPendingResidential$150,000
3629 North 87th Drive Phoenix, AZ 85037 |$150,000.00 |480-788-9660 Lux Property Group
3629 North 87th Drive
Phoenix, Arizona 85037
- 4Beds
- 2Baths
- 1668Sq ft
View ListingPendingPatio Home$100,000
3439 West Citrus Way Phoenix, AZ 85017 – $100,000 – 480-788-9660
3439 West Citrus Way
Phoenix, Arizona 85017
- 3Beds
- 2Baths
- 5205Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential$169,000
4628 East Contessa Street Mesa, AZ 85205 $169,900.00 480-788-9660
4628 East Contessa Street
Mesa, Arizona 85205
- 3Beds
- 2Baths
- 1316Sq ft
View ListingFor SaleResidential$150,000
469 East Wolf Hollow Drive Casa Grande, AZ 85122 $150,000 – 480-788-9660
469 East Wolf Hollow Drive
Casa Grande, Arizona 85122
- 4Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,257 Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential$100,000
513 North Madison Street Wickenburg, AZ 85390 $100,000 – 480-788-9660
513 North Madison Street
Wickenburg, Arizona 85390
- 2Beds
- 1Baths
- 954Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential$349,900
7317 West Tether Trail Peoria, AZ 85383 $349,900.00 – (480) 788-9660
7317 West Tether Trail Peoria
Peoria, Arizona 85383
- 5Beds
- 3Baths
- 3273Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential$385,000
3053 South Canfield Mesa, AZ 85212 $385,000 480-788-9660
3053 South Canfield
Mesa, Arizona 85212
- 7Beds
- 3Baths
- 3424Sq ft
View ListingActiveLake Entrance$150,000
46094 West Guilder Avenue Maricopa, AZ 8513 $150,000 480-788-9660
46094 West Guilder Avenue
Maricopa, Arizona 85139
- 3Beds
- 3Baths
- 1892Sq ft
View ListingPendingResidential$335,000
16014 West Berkeley Road Goodyear, AZ 85395 $335,000.00 480-788-9660
16014 West Berkeley Road
Goodyear, Arizona 85395
- 3 + denBeds
- 2.5Baths
- 2,274Sq ft
View ListingActiveCondo$175,000
3236 East Chandler Boulevard #1076 Phoenix, AZ 85048 $175,000.00 480-788-9660
3236 East Chandler Boulevard #1076
Phoenix, Arizona 85048
- 2Beds
- 1Baths
- 1019Sq ft
View ListingActiveGolf Course Property$1,995,000
Custom Golf Course Home in Vista del Corazón | Gold Canyon (480-788-9660 Lux Property Group
5060 South Avenida Corazon De Oro
Gold Canyon, Arizona 85118
- 4Beds
- 3.5Baths
- 4,764Sq ft
View ListingActiveCondo$109,500
14950 West Mountain View Boulevard #2109 Surprise, AZ 85374 Just Reduced!! $109,500 480-788-9660
14950 West Mountain View Boulevard #2109
Surprise, Arizona 85374
- 2Beds
- 1Baths
- 855Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential390,000
3053 South Canfield Mesa, AZ 85212 $390,000 480-788-9660
3053 South Canfield
Mesa, Arizona 85212
- 7Beds
- 3Baths
- 3424Sq ft
View ListingSoldCondo150,000
321 North 65th Street Unit #5 Mesa, AZ 85205 $150,000 480-788-9660
321 North 65th Street Unit #5
Mesa, Arizona 85205-8438
- 2Beds
- 2Baths
- 1,237Sq ft
View ListingPendingCommercial$300,000.00
Multi Unit Properties for Sale 825 / 829 South 30th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85009 $300,000 480-788-9660
825 / 829 South 30th Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85009
View ListingPendingManufactured Home107,900
19470 West Hopi Drive Casa Grande, AZ 85122 $107,900 480-788-9660
19470 West Hopi Drive
Casa Grande, Arizona 85122
- 3Beds
- 2Baths
- 1,725Sq ft
View ListingPendingResidential$258,500
2469 East Oxford Court Gilbert, AZ 85233 $258,500 480-788-9660
2469 East Oxford Court
Gilbert, AZ 85233
- 4Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,250Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential250,000
295 East Hunter Drive Globe, AZ 85501 $250,000 480-788-9660
295 East Hunter Drive
Globe, AZ 85501
- 3Beds
- 2Baths
- 2,088Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential250,000
295 East Hunter Drive Globe, AZ 85501 $250,000 480-788-9660
295 East Hunter Drive
Globe, AZ 85501
- 3Beds
- 2Baths
- 2,088Sq ft
View ListingSoldResidential350,000
24206 South Desert Vale Drive Chandler, AZ 85248 $350,000 480-788-9660
24206 South Desert Vale Drive Chandler, AZ 85248
Chandler, AZ 85248
- 3+ DenBeds
- 2Baths
- 2,385Sq ft
View ListingPendingHorse Property$365,000.
2815 West Irvine Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85086 $365,000 480-788-9660
2815 West Irvine Road
Phoenix, AZ 85086
- 3 + DENBeds
- 2Baths
- 2,238Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential$875,000
928 South Cottontail Court Apache Junction, AZ 85119 | (480) 788-9660 Lux Property Group
928 South Cottontail Court
Apache Junction, Arizona 85119
- 3Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,842Sq ft
View ListingActiveResidential$500,000
5727 East Bell Street Apache Junction, AZ 85119 480-788-9660 Lux Property Group
5727 East Bell Street
Apache Junction, Arizona 85119
- 3Beds
- 3Baths
- 3,048Sq ft