Monthly Average Rental Rate per Sq. Ft. – Greater Phoenix Residential Real Estate Market

The chart below plots average monthly rental rate per square foot based on the calendar month. It is based on all ARMLS non-vacation residential rentals within Maricopa & Pinal Counties (i.e. it excludes all other rental listings). You can select which cities and ZIP codes should be included, which dwelling types and which years to show. Thus there are millions of different combinations so you can create exactly the chart you want.

Daily Housing Market Observations Greater PHX Market Summary News and Forecasts

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Lux Home Group consists of FULL TIME real estate professionals in the Phoenix area. Real Estate is not only our job, it is our passion. So, if you are interested in buying, selling, or renting a home in the greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area, or you would like to get involved in the fabulous world of real estate sales or investing, give us a call at 480.442.1442 or email us at If you just want to hang out with some super fabulous can call us for that, too.

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